Sunday, December 6, 2009

Friends & Helpers wrapping and gift drop off event

December 6, 2009- Friends & Helpers wrapping and gift drop off event.

For the past month members of 4GOOD have been helping us buy gifts for the 5 sponsored families we adopted through the Friends & Helpers organization. 4GOOD gathered all the gifts and wrapped what was dropped off before the event...see the kids helping us do the wrapping.

On 12/6, about 25 members met in the morning and arrived at the event ready to volunteer. Along with our kids we filled stockings, filled bags of cosmetics and wrapped gifts all to give back to the women, teens and children from abused situations.

It was a fantastic event and one that I am sure we will participate in every year.

A big thank you to all the members who helped with gifts, volunteering and just supporting us doing something 4GOOD!

Check out the pictures and the link to the organization that has helped so many.